Enhanced Access Service
Enhanced Access – The YHN provides routine General Practice appointments for Harrogate and rural district patients from 4-8pm weekdays and at weekends. Provision is made for nursing appointments for cervical screening, phlebotomy (blood taking) dressings, and telephone appointments with a GP.
We can offer appointments with GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Health Care Assistants and these run at 5 Grove Park Court for Harrogate patients, Beech House Surgery for Knaresborough patients and Leon Smallwood Unit at Ripon Hospital for Ripon patients.
Travel Vaccinations
For all travel and private vaccinations
Our team of qualified nurses will ensure that you and your family are safely covered for all of your travel needs.
You will receive a personal travel risk assessment before your appointment either over the telephone or at our friendly clinic in Harrogate. We offer daytime, evening and weekend appointments to suit you.
In addition to our full range of vaccinations we also offer a variety of products to keep you safe while you are away. Including anti-malarials, insect repellent, medication for insect bites and stings and mosquito nets.
To book a consultation please contact your GP surgery (if you are registered in the Harrogate District area) or if you have any queries please email: yhn.travelservices@nhs.net and we will be more than happy to help.

Covid-19 Vaccination Service
The Yorkshire Health Network provides the local GP led Covid vaccination sites at the Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate and at Ripon Racecourse.

Primary Care Research
National Institute for Health Research
The YHN supports local practices involved with research in primary care. A number of practices are keen to engage with developing research ideas for the benefit of patients. These surgeries include Stockwell Road Surgery, Eastgate Medical Group, both in Knaresborough; Church Avenue Surgery, Harrogate, Springbank Surgery, Green Hammerton; Church Lane Surgery, Boroughbridge, Nidderdale Group Practice and North House Surgery, Ripon.
Research Projects have included trialling diabetic treatments, assessing the population prevalence of Covid-19 in the pandemic, arthritis diagnosis studies and depression studies. Working with the Royal College Of General Practitioners RCGP and the National Institute for Health Research NIHR, the YHN supports practices to remain research ready and aligned to good clinical practice.
Harrogate Homeless Project
The Spa Surgery in Harrogate in conjunction with the Yorkshire Health Network, run a weekly Homeless Health drop-in clinic at Springboard, Harrogate Homeless Project’s day centre.
The clinic aims to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our community who are homeless or vulnerably housed can access primary health care services. People who are homeless can struggle to access healthcare for a large number of reasons but often have the highest healthcare needs. We look after their physical and mental health as well as supporting with social issues. We work very closely with Springboard and Harrogate Homeless Project staff as well as other partner agencies such as social care and housing to ensure a holistic approach. Safeguarding those who are experiencing abuse or who are at risk of abuse is also a key part of our role at Springboard. To find out more the Harrogate Homeless Project please follow the link.
Harrogate Homeless Project